The Croatian Post Inc. has issued a set of three stamps feature Spring flower species as part of their flora series 2012 on March 15, 2012. The depicted species are Snowdrop ( galanthus nivalis), Primrose ( Primula vulgaris), and Spring crocus ( Crocus Vernes).

Snowdrop ( Galanthus nivalis)
Galanthus nivalis or Snowdrop is widely grown in gardens, particularly in northern Europe, and is widely naturalized in woodlands in the regions where it is grown. It is, however, native to a large area of Europe, from Spain in the west, eastwards to the Ukraine.
Snowdrops or Galanthus nivalis grows to around 7–15 cm tall, flowering between January and April in the northern temperate zone (January–May in the wild). They are perennial, herbaceous plants which grow from bulbs.