Monday, August 30, 2010

The Orange fin Anemone fish on stamps

Vanuatu Post to commemorate their participation in the Philakorea 1994 World Stamp Exhibition, issued the souvenir sheet of stamp features the Orange fin Anemone Fish . This is beautiful colour stamp. There is logo of Philakorea 1994 on the left corner of upperside. The image on stamp shown a good collaboration between anemone and the fish.

The Orange-fin Anemone fish, Amphiprion chrysopterus, is a clown-fish, found in the Western Pacific north of the Great Barrier Reef from the surface to 20 m. The species feeds on mainly zoo plankton and algae. The size grows up to 16 cm length. The changes of colour are a distinctive character of this fish. The tail fins can go from orange to yellow. The main belly can go from brown to black. The stripes can go from blue to white. And the tail fin is always white.

Coral Garden of Vanuatu

Vanuatu Post has issued the beautiful garden of under sea , many corals depicted on the minisheet of stamps. There are three layer direction. Lace coral, Star coral, Sun coral, Plate coral place on the top layer direction. Borwn anhelia, Bubble coral, Flowerpot coral, Cup coral placed on the middle layer direction . Daisy coral, Tubastraea diaphana Sun coral, Mushroom feather coral, Tubastraea micrantha Sun Coral placed on the bottom layer direction.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Flower of Cekoslovakia

Gerbera jamesonii is grown in gardens throughout the world. It is one of the most popular ornamental flowers in the world, both as a cut flower and as a pot plant, and therefore is of considerable economical view. Gerbera jamesonii can be grown from seed or crown divisions. Seeds should be germinated within 1 to 2months of collection, at about 20 to 25ºC, and will flower after a year. Clumps can also be divided in spring. Plants require full sun and moderate watering. Rot will occur if the crowns are buried or the drainage is poor. Plants do best with frequent feeding, especially in summer, to promote flowering. Remove dead flowers regularly to encourage further flowering.

Aechmea fasciata is an epiphytic Bromeliad from Brazil. Aechmeas are among the most beautiful of all Bromeliads for indoor decoration. Large, colorful blooms raise high above the vase-shaped rosette of leaves. Most Bromeliads will flower naturally when they reach maturity. The plant grows slowly, reaching to between 1 and 3 feet in height, and spreading up to 2 feet. It has elliptic–oval-shaped leaves that are between 18 and 36 inches long and arranged in a basal rosette pattern.

Rhododendron flower on stamps

Rhododendron is a genus of flowering plants in the family Ericaceae. It is a large genus with over 1000 species and most have showy flower displays. It includes the plants known to gardeners as azaleas.

The Rhododendron is a genus characterized by shrubs and small to (rarely) large trees, the smallest species growing to 10–100 cm tall .The leaves are spirally arranged; leaf size can range from 1–2 cm to over 50 cm It is the national flower of Nepal, the State flower of Sikkim, and the State Flower of both West Virginia and Washington in the USA. Relatively fewer species occur in North America and Europe

The beautiful flower featured on the specific shape of souvenir sheet stamps by Canada Post.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stork on China stamps 1992

Both The White Stork and the Black Stork, are listed on the Conservation of African Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds. China featured the both Storks on the 1992 stamp edition with different value.

The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a large wading bird in the stork family Ciconiidae. It is a huge bird, 100–125 cm tall, with a 155–200 cm wingspan and a weight of 2.3-4.5 kg .It is completely white except for the black wing flight feathers, and its red bill and legs, which are black on juveniles. It walks slowly and steadily on the ground. It often forms small colonies. It feeds on fish, frogs and insects but also eats small reptiles, rodents and smaller birds.
White storks breed in open farmland areas with access to marshy wetlands, building a stick nest in trees, on buildings, or special platforms. Because it is viewed as bird of good luck, it is not persecuted, and often nests close to human habitation.
White Storks rely on movement between thermals of hot air for long distance flight, taking great advantage of them during annual migrations between Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. They breed in the warmer parts of Europe (south to Estonia), northwest Africa, and southwest Asia (east to southern Kazakhstan.

The Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) is a large wading bird in the stork family Ciconiidae. This is a large bird, nearly 1 m tall with a 1.8 m wingspan, weighing around 3 kilograms. It is all black except for the white belly and axillaries, and its red bill and legs. It walks slowly and steadily on the ground. It flies with its neck outstretched. This is a shy and varies species.
It breeds in large marshy wetlands with interspersed coniferous or broad lived woodlands, but also inhabits hills and mountains with sufficient network of creeks. The Black Stork feeds on amphibians, fishes and insects. It builds a stick nest high in trees. The Black Stork is a broad-winged soaring bird, which relies on thermals of hot air for long distance flight. The Black Stork is a strong migrant, wintering in tropical Africa and India .They fly approximately 100 to 250 km a day with daily maxima up to 500 km.

Fowls on the Vietnam stamps

Fowls are included in pet animals, which very useful for human lifes. Vietnam Post Office has depicted them on the stamps, Plymouth Rock, Leghorn, Meleagris gallopavo or the Wild Turkey and etc . Total issues are 8 (eight) single stamp of different values.

The Plymouth Rock, often called simply Rocks or Barred Rocks (after their most popular color), is a chicken breed that originated in the United States. Plymouth Rocks were bred as a dual-purpose fowl, meaning that they were valued both for their meat and for the hens' egg-laying ability. The face of a Plymouth Rock is red with red ear lobes, a bright yellow beak, bay-colored eyes, and a single comb of moderate size. Their feathers are fairly loosely held but not so long as to easily tangle. There are seven varieties of Plymouth Rock chickens: barred, blue, buff, Columbian, partridge, silver-pencilled and white. Plymouth Rocks are large, long-lived chickens. Some varieties are good layers while others are bred principally for meat. They possess a long, broad back; a moderately deep, full breast; and yellow skin and legs. The hens have a deep, full abdomen, which is a sign of a good layer.

The Leghorn is a breed of chicken with origins in Tuscany, central Italy. The first birds imported to North America in 1853 were called Italians. By 1865 the breed was named after the Italian city of Livorno, on the western edge of Tuscany, which in English is also known as Leghorn.White Leghorns are among the most popular commercial strains of layer chickens worldwide. Leghorns rarely exhibit broodiness and are thus well suited for uninterrupted egg laying. The Leghorn is a light breed that matures quickly to only 3 or 4 lbs and is not considered a viable meat producer. Leghorns are active and efficient foragers. They typically avoid human contact and tend to be nervous and flighty

The Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) is native to North America and is the heaviest member of the Galliformes. It is the same species as the domestic turkey, which was domesticated from the South Mexican subspecies of the Wild Turkey.Turkeys have a long, dark, fan-shaped tail and glossy bronze wings. As with many other species of the Galliformes, turkeys exhibit strong sexual dimorphism. The male is substantially larger than the female, and his feathers have areas of red, purple, green, copper, bronze, and gold iridescence. Wild Turkeys are omnivorous, foraging on the ground or climbing shrubs and small trees to feed. They prefer eating hard mast such as acorns, nuts, and various trees, including hazel, chestnut, hickory, and pinyon pine as well as various seeds, berries such as juniper and bearberry, roots and insects. Turkeys also occasionally consume amphibians and small reptiles such as newts and snakes.

Paserine birds of Suomi Finland

Paserine birds of Finland ,Oriolus oriolus, Parus caeruleus, and Motacilla alba have featured on the Suomi finland stamps. The issue stamps are sticker not gummed stamps, but have beautiful images. 

Oriolus oriolus or the Golden Oriole is the only member of the oriole family of passerine birds breeding in northern hemisphere temperate regions. It is a summer migrant in Europe and western Asia and spends the winter season in the tropics.

Golden Oriole inhabits tall deciduous trees in woodland, orchards or parks and spend much of their time in tree canopies. They feed on insects and fruit. They build neat nests in tree forks and lay 3-6 eggs. The male is striking in the typical oriole black and yellow plumage, but the female is a drabber green bird. Orioles are shy, and even the male is remarkably difficult to see in the dappled yellow and green leaves of the canopy. Their call is a screech like a jay, but the song is a beautiful fluting weela-wee-ooo or or-iii-ole, unmistakable once heard. (Picture direction: left above)

Parus caeruleus was described firstly by Linnaeus and now its named Cyanistes caeruleus or Blue Tit is a long passerine bird in the tit family Paridae. Its very distinctive appearance : The azure blue crown and dark blue line passing through the eye and encircling the white cheeks to the chin . Its size ranged 10.5 to 12 cm length. The Blue Tit has an average life expectancy of 1.5 years.
It is a widespread and common resident breeder throughout temperate and subarctic Europe and western Asia in deciduous or mixed woodlands. This is a common and popular European garden bird. The song period lasts almost all the year round, but is most often heard during February to June. The Blue Tit is a valuable destroyer of pests, though it has not an entirely clean sheet as a beneficial species. (Picture direction: right above)
Motacilla alba or the White Wagtail is a small passerine bird in the wagtail family Motacillidae. This species breeds in much of Europe and Asia and parts of North Africa. This is an insectivorous bird of open country, often near habitation and water. This is a slender bird, 16.5–19 cm in length. The Motacilla alba alba is basically grey above and white below, with a white face, black cap and black throat.
The call of the White Wagtail is a sharp chisick, slightly softer than the version given by Pied Wagtail. The population size is unknown, but it is believed to be large, as the species is described as "common" in at least parts of its range. White Wagtails are monogamous and defend breeding territories. The exact composition of the diet of White Wagtails varies by location, range from beetles, dragonflies, small snails, spiders, worms, crustaceans, to maggots found in carcasses and, most importantly, flies in the order Diptera. (Picture direction: left bottom)

Migratory waterbird on Lietuva stamps

Lithuania has concerned with the Migratory Waterbird , on 1991 has issued two single stamps depicts Grus grus or the Common Crane (50)and the Black Stork or Ciconia nigra (30+15)

The Ciconia nigra or Black Stork is a large wading bird in the stork family Ciconiidae. It is a widespread, but rare, species that breeds in the warmer parts of Europe, predominantly in central and eastern regions.

The Black Stork is a large bird, nearly 1 m tall with a 1.8 m wingspan, weighing around 3 kilograms. It is all black except for the white belly and axillaries, and its red bill and legs. It walks slowly and steadily on the ground. It flies with its neck outstretched. The Black Stork feeds on amphibians and insects. This is a shy and wary species.The Black Stork is one of the species to which the Agreement on the Conservation of African–Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) applies.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Crested Ibis on China stamp

The specific bird, Crested Ibis featured on three single value stamps from China.

The Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon), also known as the Japanese Crested Ibis or Toki .The size of bird up to 78.5 cm long, white-plumaged ibis of pine forests. Its head is partially bare, showing red skin, and it has a dense crest of white plumes on the nape. This species is the only member of the genus Nipponia.
Their habitat is usually mainlands and wetlands. They make their nests at the tops of trees on hills usually overlooking their habitat. Crested Ibises usually eat frogs, small fishes, and small animals.

The Crested Ibis was widespread in Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan and Russia. It has now disappeared from most of its former range. The last wild Japanese Crested Ibis died in October 2003, while the remaining wild population can be found only in Shaanxi province of China.

Extensive captive breeding programs have been developed by Japan and China to conserve the species. They were put on the State Protection List in China, which also spread throughout most of Asia. Also, for the past 23 years, China has bred and protected the species. In 2002, there were a total of 130 colonies in China. Due to ongoing habitat loss, small population size, limited range, winter starvation and persecution in last century brought this endangered species to the brink of extinction.

Brown-ears pheasant from China

The vulnerable species, Brown-ears pheasant has featured on two different value stamps by China on 1989.Crossoptilon mantchuricum, or Brown Eared-pheasant is species of family Phasianidae and qualifies as Vulnerable because it may have a small population between 5,000 till 17,000 and population in protected areas appear are declining (potentially rapidly). Its range has been fragmented by habitat loss and isolated populations are at risk from further forest loss and other pressures. Outside nature reserves, the threats include deforestation for agriculture and urban development, and habitat degradation due to logging and livestock-grazing.

The body size is ranged of 96-100 cm and have distintictives as Brown-and-white pheasant with prominent white cheek tufts extending from bill base. Mainly darkish brown body plumage with white lower back, rump and uppertail-coverts, and longish, filamentous white tail with broad, dark tips. Bare red facial skin and legs. Female usually slightly smaller and lacks tarsus spurs. Voice Utters high-pitched, raucous calls.This species is endemic to northern China, where it is now confined to scattered localities in the Luliang Shan of western Shanxi, and the mountains of north-western Hebei, western Beijing and central Shaanxi
It breeds in coniferous forest or mixed conifer-broadleaf forest at up to 2,600 m. In winter, it moves to lower altitudes (minimum 1,100 m), to scrub at the forest edge on south-facing slopes.

China -Sweden joint issued on bird stamps

Sweden and China have joint issued the specific stamps featured Chrysolophus amherstiae and Phasianus colcuhics. The collaboration stamps issued these stamp on 1997, each in two stamps single value.

Chrysolophus amherstiae, or The Lady Amherst's Pheasant, is a bird of the order Galliformes and the family Phasianidae. The adult male is 100-120 cm in length, its tail accounting for 80 cm of the total length. It is unmistakable with its black and silver head, long grey tail and rump, and red, blue, white and yellow body plumage. The "cape" can be raised in display. The female is much less showy, with a duller mottled brown plumage all over.

These are native to south western China and Myanmar, but have been introduced elsewhere, and have established a self-supporting, but now declining, feral population in England.Widespread throughout its large range area with population estimated 20,000 till 49,999 birds,this species is evaluated as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.They feed on the ground on grain, leaves and invertebrates, but roost in trees at night.

The name commemorates Sarah Countess Amherst, wife of William Pitt Amherst, Governor General of Bengal, who was responsible for sending the first specimen of the bird to London in 1828.

Phasianus colchicus or the Common Pheasant , is a bird in the pheasant family (Phasianidae).
There are many colour forms of the male Common Pheasant, ranging in colour from nearly white to almost black.,due to captive breeding and hybridization between subspecies and the Green Pheasant.

Body weight can range from 0.5 to 3 kg. The adult male length is 60–89 cm with a long brown streaked black tail, almost 50 cm of the total length. The body plumage is barred bright gold and brown plumage with green, purple and white markings. The head is bottle green with a small crest and distinctive red wattle. The female (hen) is much less showy, with a duller mottled brown plumage all over and measuring 50–63 cm long including a tail.

The males are polygynous as is typical for many Phasianidae, and are often accompanied by a harem of several females. Common Pheasants nest on the ground, producing a clutch of around ten eggs over a two-three week period in April to June.They feed solely on the ground but roost in sheltered trees at night. They eat a wide variety of animal invertebrates, small vertebrates and vegetable type-food, like fruit, seeds and leaves.

Common Pheasants are native to Asia, their original range extending from between the Black and Caspian Seas to Manchuria, Siberia, Korea, Mainland China and Taiwan. The birds are found in woodland, farmland, scrub and wetlands. In its natural habitat they lives in grassland near water with small copses of trees. It has been widely introduced elsewhere as a game bird.

Flora Fauna 2003 on Indonesia stamp

In relation with the Flora Fauna Day 2003, Indonesia Post has issued the souvenir sheet feature two species flora and fauna which were found in Indonesia, Anaphalis javanica and Orthetrum testaceum/Capung peluncur.

Anaphalis javanica or Javanese Edelweiss is a flowering plant species endemic to Indonesia. They are found mostly in mountainous regions of Java, southern Sumatra, southern Sulawesi and Lombok. Known as bunga abadi in Indonesian, literally means eternal flower, this plant is popular among tourists. This could lead to the destruction of the wild grown species.

The flower are generally seen between April and August. Dried flower, sold as souvenir at Mount Bromo. In the Bromo-Tengger region in East Java this plant is considered extinct. This species is constantly decreasing in number and is currently protected in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park.
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