Clivia nobilis is found under evergreen forest, low bush (thicket) and amongst dune vegetation. The inland populations are found in wooded kloofs where they grow on riverbanks, rocky outcrops and along forest margins.
The populations growing primary in coastal dune vegetation and sand are normally more exposed, with the plants near the top of dunes grow in full sunlight.
The inflorescence consists of an umbel of 20-60 florets borne on a peduncle about 300 mm long The florets are pinkish yellow to dark red with green tips . They are pendulous tubular, about 11 mm wide and 25 - 40 mm long.

South Africa Post proud to released a miniature sheet consist of six stamps feature the Clivia Flower Plant, which are found in South Africa, on August 8, 2006. The sheet depict Clivia miniata, Clivia gardenii, Clivia nobilis, Clivia robusta , Clavia Mirabilis and Clivia caulescens .
Clavia miniata, Clavia gardenii, Clavia robusta and Clavia caulescens seedlings flower after four to five years. Clavia nobilis will flower after seven or eight years. It is reported that Clavia mirabilis also takes about 6 years to flower.